Interview | Isabel Novais | Ladies that UX Lisbon

Ladies that UX lisbon

This week, we welcome Isabel from Ladies that UX Lisbon


Isabel is a Product Designer at Nuxeo

So how did you get into UX Isabel?

I studied Product Design. As in everything is a Product, passing through a Design Thinking process. I started out working mainly with printing and branding originally, gradually evolving into web design, and always looking for the best GUI principles.

Over time, my work became more and more digital and UX started being a very recurrent keyword. Now I love thinking about things and looking for user-centric solutions.

In future, I hope to lead a team, and motivate and inspire people. Don Norman is definitely someone I look up to, for inspiring so many people to do things in the right way

To anyone looking to get into UX, my advice would be research and practice! And look for feedback.

And how did you end up getting involved with Ladies that UX?

I always looked for technical events around web design, and always appreciated getting involved in organising events – mixing the design with human relations. I decided to start locally a Ladies That UX group, to understand the current picture of UX in Portugal and because I believe a lot in female empowerment.

“Being involved in Ladies that UX is being part of a huge and amazing community full of ladies ready to empower and support each other”

Isabel – Ladies that UX Lisbon

How do you think women can support each other?

Communicating with each other with transparency, because together we are stronger. One thing that’s so rewarding about being involved in Ladies that UX is being part of a huge and amazing community full of ladies ready to empower and support each other.

It helps us to create connections and go into companies to see the current work reality. If you’re thinking about coming long to an event and haven’t yet, I’d say YOLO! Likewise, if you’re considering volunteering, stop thinking and start doing 🙂

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